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Our Work

The mission of ANHD is to build community power to win affordable housing and thriving, equitable neighborhoods for all New Yorkers.

As a coalition of community groups across New York City, we use capacity building and technical assistance, policy and research, and organizing and advocacy to support our members in building equity and justice in their neighborhoods and citywide.

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Recent Blogs

December 7, 2022
2022 ANHD Year in Review
Check out ANHD’s 2022 top moments, including supporting the organizing movement, advancing the revision and creation of programs for deep, permanent and safe affordable housing, and driving equitable economic development.
November 21, 2022
Citywide Merchant Organizing Project map and markers image
The Citywide Merchant Organizing Project (CMOP) works toward increased merchant organizing coordination and collaboration among neighborhoods and a stronger citywide base of merchants ready to fight against displacement threats.
November 1, 2022
ANHD and the Right to Counsel Coalition have launched a new website, the NYC Eviction Crisis Monitor, with interactive charts on the current crisis in NYC housing courts.

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