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5/17 deadline to host a 2013/14 Fellow

May 14, 2013

Click here for  application
The Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development (ANHD) and Morgan Stanley are pleased to announce the second year of the Morgan Stanley/ANHD Community Development Fellowship Program.  Prior host sites and applicants are welcome to re-apply. The second program will run from September 2013 to June 2014, and is designed to increase the capacity of New York City's neighborhood-based community development organizations, and create a pipeline for the next generation of community development leaders. The Fellowship individually pairs eight high-level Master's Degree students in Urban Planning, Urban Policy, Public Administration, or a related field with eight high-performing community development corporations (CDCs or host organizations). The Morgan Stanley/ANHD Fellows (Fellows) will each receive an $18,000 stipend to serve in a part-time (20 hours/week), two-semester-long (September 1st - June 30th) position with the host CDC. Each Fellow will be responsible for a lead or otherwise significant role in advancing a distinct high-impact community project.
The application processes for both host organizations and Fellows will be competitive. CDCs applying to be a host organization must present a compelling project on which the Fellow will work. ANHD will select a pool of qualified applicants to serve as Fellows. On Wednesday, June 7th, selected host organizations will interview the finalists and have an opportunity to indicate their preferred candidate(s). ANHD will be responsible for the final selection and placement of the Fellows. The matching process will place strong emphasis on the preferences of the host organization, as well as take into account the specific interests of the candidates.
ANHD will support the Fellows by providing regular training and networking opportunities. Host organizations will also be required to host at least one event for all eight Fellows, giving the Fellows the opportunity to learn from and about other neighborhood programs. The host organizations will be required to make a matching Commitment Grant of $4,000 to ANHD by the third week of the program (Sept 16th, 2013). The host organizations will receive $1,800/per month for ten months to cover the cost of the stipend.

Program Requirements

Applications for the host organizations will be evaluated by the Selection Committee, a committee of NYC community development professionals. No ANHD staff will be involved in the host selection process. If selected to host a Fellow, organizations MUST make the Fellow's potential supervisor available for the entire day of June 7th to conduct interviews.
Applications will be evaluated based on the impact, achievability, and suitability of the project; evidence of the importance of the project to the host organization; the strength of the host organization (fiscal soundness, staff capacity, and record of accomplishment); and the establishment of a positive, educational experience for the Fellow in their day-to-day duties at the organization. Projects must primarily benefit low- and moderate-income neighborhoods or people. Any community development project that will have a lasting impact is eligible to be the Fellow's project.  Examples could include a feasibility study for a new housing development, a planning survey of underutilized sites in their neighborhood, an environmental study of a Brownfield, or starting a small business development program. These are only examples, and organizations are encouraged to be creative in their formulation of project proposals. Generally, projects should be achievable within the timeframe. If not achievable within the timeframe, projects should be divided into phases, with the achievable phases noted in the application.
The projects should provide a learning experience for the Fellow - greater preference will be given to projects where the Fellow has greater responsibility. Host organizations may provide additional supporting information such as why the project cannot be undertaken with current staffing or additional opportunities that will be provided to the Fellow.
1)      Supervision
  • The host organization must identify an experienced supervisor to manage the Fellow and oversee the project.  Supervisors should provide ongoing feedback to the Fellow, as well as a final evaluation.
  • Either the supervisor, or another individual, must also serve as a mentor to the Fellow, providing advice, as needed, on career opportunities and the field of community development.
  • Either the supervisor or mentor MUST be available for interviews with prospective applicants on Wednesday, JUNE 7th.
  • The host organization must comply with all university regulations concerning reporting for academic credit purposes.
2)      Scheduling
  • The host organization must design a project and work schedule that can be reasonably expected to accommodate a full-time student's schedule.  Specific requirements, such as a pre-set need for particular hours, should be noted in the application but will be finalized during the Fellows matching process.  Host organizations are expected to be flexible around both the Fellow's weekly schedule and academic calendar.
  • Fellows will be expected to have availability at least 3 days out of the week, for up to 20 hours a week.
3)      Administration
  • Fellows will be treated as part-time, temporary employees.
  • Fellows should be paid a level amount each pay period, in accordance with the standard pay periods for all part-time, temporary employees.
  • The host organization will be required to make a matching Commitment Grant of $4,000 payable to ANHD by the third week of the program  (Sept 17, 2012).
  • The host organization assumes responsibility for the reporting and payment of all applicable taxes and/or benefits.
Host Organization Administrative Requirements:
  • Must be a community-based organization primarily serving low- and moderate-income communities;  engaged in housing development, economic development, community planning, or a related field; and a member in good standing of the Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development.
  • Must be a New York State non-profit corporation, or a non-profit corporation authorized to do business in New York State.
  •  Must be a 501(c)(3) federal tax-exempt organization, or have a fiscal sponsor for 501(c)(3) purposes.


  • Name, Address, Telephone, Website, and Contact Person.
  • Provide a summary description of your organization as a whole, including its mission and objectives, history in the community, areas of operation, accomplishments in the community, current programs and projects, and a detailed description of its catchment area (300 words).
  • Provide a detailed description of the specific high-impact community project, the role the Fellow would be expected to play, and the progress that will be achieved during the calendar year.  Discuss the importance of the project, including the community need (300 words).
  • Indicate in which specific department the Fellow will serve and the day-to-day duties of the Fellow.  Include the name and title of the Fellow's immediate supervisor and liaison to the program.  To the extent not provided in the organization description, provide a description of the role and accomplishments of the department.
  • Indicate three key characteristics or specific skills of a Fellow that would fit your organization's needs.
  • Provide a description of the benefits that the Fellow will receive, such as career growth, education and training, networking opportunities, new skills, or any other factors and considerations you wish to note.


  • Resume or CV of the Fellow's immediate supervisor
  • copy of your IRS 501(c)(3) certification
  • copies of your organization's audited financial statements for the past two fiscal years


Responses to this RFP will be due Friday, May 17th, 2012 at 5:00 PM. Notifications will be sent to all applicants by the end of May.  On June 7th, the matching process between selected organizations and potential Fellows will take place.  Both Fellows and host organizations will be notified of their matches within 2 weeks.  Host organizations MUST make either the Fellow's direct supervisor or mentor available for interviews for the entire day.  The program runs from September 1st - June 30th.  A half-day orientation for all the fellows will also take place during the first week of September.  Training and networking opportunities for the Fellows as a group will take place approximately once a month.  At the end of the Fellowship cycle, an additional evaluation will be conducted. 
Please contact Moses Gates at Moses.G@anhd.org with any questions.  If submitting by e-mail, please submit to Moses.G@anhd.org. You may also submit online at:
Thanks, Moses Gates, Fellowship Director

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