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Pinpointing the Eviction Machine with Local ANHD Monthly Data

May 21, 2018

Educate tenants at risk of displacement so they can better protect themselves and their communities

The New York Times published a remarkable series of articles this weekend investigating Behind New York City’s Housing Crisis . Most observers know that speculative investing and harassment of tenants is a growing crisis that is undermining the core supply of affordable rent-regulated housing in New York City.  Most New Yorkers look at affordable rent-regulated buildings and see decent homes and stable neighborhoods, but too many speculators look at those same buildings and see boundless profits – as long as they can remove the low- and moderate-rent paying tenants. The New York Times series shows exactly how this process happens, and sadly, what effective strategies these landlords use to push out rent-regulated tenants.

What should we being doing in response? The Association for Neighborhood & Housing (ANHD) groups have long been dedicated to the answer – educate tenants at risk of displacement so they can better protect themselves and their communities, and organize to strengthen the movement to address the systemic roots of the problem.

ANHD recently released an important new information tool that can help with this crucial education and organizing effort. The Displacement Alert Project (DAP) District Reports are released each month for every community district in New York City showing:

  • A building-by-building list of where key data shows that displacement risk might be rising in the past 30 days, using fresh data each month.
  • Automatic links to key information for each individual building including ownership, lender, city housing code violations, and city buildings department information.

Check out the Displacement Alert Project (DAP) District Reports to see where displacement risk might be rising in your neighborhood, then connect with your local community group and decision makers to fight against displacement in your community.

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