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Standing in Solidarity With Immigrants & Refugees at the End Family Separation March

June 25, 2018

To the ANHD Community

We at the Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development (ANHD) stand with our immigrant neighbors, friends, and family. As a member organization of 101 community groups across New York City serving to build equity, justice, and power for low- and moderate-income New Yorkers, people of color, immigrants, and other marginalized communities, we are horrified by the actions of this Administration to separate children from their families and detain families with children.

That’s why we are marching with our member groups and allies of the community development movement in the End Family Separation NYC Rally & March this Saturday, June 30th starting at Foley Square at 10 am, and we’d like you to join us. And if you’re not in the area, here are other marches and actions happening in neighborhoods across the U.S.

The recent Executive Order to presumably end the separation of migrant and refugee families at the U.S. border is a weak response to the profound damage already inflicted on thousands of families and counting. While this particular atrocity is happening, President Trump and his Administration are slowly but surely dismantling other programs that impact immigrant New Yorkers. Since he was inaugurated, our New York immigrant communities have been living in fear and rightly so: anti-immigrant rhetoric is on the rise and detentions and raids are up. Meanwhile they are and the administration is weakening consumer protection laws and enforcement, reducing social safety net programs, cutting affordable housing, penalizing immigrants for using these crucial safety nets, and the list goes on and on. These constant attacks on our city’s – and our country’s – most vulnerable communities is having long lasting detrimental impacts not only on those populations, but also on all of us.

In the face of this darkness, we are heartened by the incredible organizing efforts of our member organizations who have put together marches and rallies, who have gathered hundreds at airports and the courts, who have been the voices and bodies on the front lines of this fight against bigotry, hatred, and immorality.

For other ways to get involved, contact your local community group. We stand with you in solidarity and action, and we will continue to build community power to win thriving, equitable neighborhoods for all New Yorkers and beyond.


In Solidarity,

Benjamin Dulchin, ANHD’s Executive Director and the rest of the ANHD Staff

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