
ANHD announces the cancellation of this year’s 10th Annual Community Development Conference scheduled for April 17, 2020 at the Grand Hyatt New York.

The spread of COVID-19 is exposing long-established gaps in our social infrastructure. After much deliberation and discussion, we believe ANHD and our members and partners in the affordable housing and economic justice movement need to prioritize monitoring, researching, listening, analyzing and proposing COVID-19 policy options. ANHD staff are working daily on COVID-19 responses in the areas of affordable housing, small businesses, jobs, responsible banking, financial relief, and land use—especially as it pertains to low income populations, communities of color, immigrant communities and marginalized neighborhoods.

In addition to prioritizing efforts on COVID-19 response, it is not clear when we would be able to convene our normal 500+ person event at this time. We are also mindful that our non-profit members and other industry partners, many of whom are direct-service providers, may also not be able to support or attend a full day event, as they previously would have.

While we are canceling the planned in-person event, we are still committed to advancing many of the conversations we had developed and new ones we know are needed in this moment to fight forward and build community power.  

In the coming weeks, ANHD staff will be re-envisioning how we can still convene and advance New York’s affordable housing and economic justice movements within our new, rapidly changing reality. We will outreach to and work with our partners, direct service providers, mission-driven developers, organizers, policy and legal service organizations, city and state agencies, and bank and financial institutions to understand the new challenges and work of the current moment.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

ANHD would like to thank the following supporters of the ANHD 2020 Conference, who are committed to the important work we are doing to drive New York City’s community development movement:

Thank you for checking in and we hope you will stay tuned for more details.