Fighting for Affordable Housing


New Yorkers are increasingly unable to afford to live in their own city. As rents and housing prices rise, our neighborhoods are becoming more segregated, homelessness continues to rise, and people are being pushed out of their communities. There is a significant lack of deep and permanently affordable housing opportunities developed for lower income new Yorkers, and particularly for the nearly 30% of households considered extremely low income. We are all in danger of losing the diverse city we love. 

Why This Matters

While the government acknowledges the affordable housing crisis, local policies and programs too often continue to serve the needs of private developers and the private market over the actual needs of New Yorkers, especially, our lowest income families. Additionally, as we have learned from the current expiring use crisis—we cannot afford to keep losing the affordable housing we develop and preserve; public investment in affordable housing should permanently serve the public interest.

What We're Doing

ANHD is fighting to create fair and affordable housing throughout New York City that prioritizes those most in need and least served by the private market.

We believe New York’s affordable housing policies and investments must be driven by the needs of our people, and not by the real estate industry or private developers. Our work attempts to shift housing resources and policies to focus on the lowest income New Yorkers. 

ANHD’s goal is for all affordable housing developed with public resources to be permanently affordable, avoiding the current time-limited affordability requirements that have left the city scrambling to preserve subsidized housing created in earlier eras with public dollars. We also want deep affordability, which ensures those at the lowest end of the income spectrum have housing opportunities in our city.

Check out the associated projects below for more information on how we are fighting for affordable housing.  

Recent Blogs and Media

June 20, 2014
The Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) is poised to vote on Monday, deciding what increases rent stabilized tenants will see for the year. The vote this year could be dramatic, as new de Blasio appointees are considering a zero-percent rent increase for the year as a short-term measure to correct for the overly large rent increases awarded by the RGB in recent years.
June 19, 2014
On Tuesday night Queens’ Community Board 1 held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning of Astoria Cove with a final vote next Tuesday, June 17th. However, over 50 community members signed up to speak at the public hearing to ask questions and voice serious concerns about the proposed development – especially about the lack of affordable housing, scale and visual impact of the proposal, and the jobs and hiring practices that will be utilized.
June 19, 2014
While much attention has focused on Housing New York’s ambitious 200,000-unit affordable housing development goal, the plan is also notable for going beyond production to employ other strategies to address the problems related to the city’s housing crisis.  In particular, Mayor de Blasio deserves credit for the way the plan takes additional actions to reduce homelessness, even as it targets more of the City’s affordable housing production to the most vulnerable New Yorkers.

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