Resource Library

Since its founding in 1974, ANHD has provided commentary and analysis on the preservation and development of affordable housing in New York City, and more recently, its equitable economic development activities. This online Resource Library represents a comprehensive compilation of our published blogs, charts, maps, reports, testimony, and white papers, investigating trends in the community development space. We encourage you to use it for uncovering general information, data analysis and critique, and alternative policy solutions related to affordable housing and economic development.

All of our materials are sorted based on the issues, projects, special tags, types, and dates they are associated with, and you can use the dropdowns below to filter through the library based on these tags. Additionally, you can do a general search through our library, using the search bar the right. If you can’t find what you are looking for, email

E.g., 07/22/2024
E.g., 07/22/2024
Evaluating the threat to affordable housing by "predatory equity" investors who base a business model on overleveraging and harassment.
An annual analysis of the local bank reinvestment activity and the local impact of the Community Reinvestment Act.
Outlining the potential for NYC to use tax incentives to create permanently affordable housing.
An analysis of the total number of city-subsidized units developed between 1987 and 2007, tracking the units at-risk of losing their affordability
An annual analysis of local bank reinvestment activity and the local impact of the Community Reinvestment Act
A report back from a forum of key stakeholders discussing the challenges and opportunities related to ensuring permanent affordability in subsidized housing.
Evaluating the threat to affordable housing by "predatory equity" investors who base a business model on overleveraging and harassment.
An analysis the abuse of the Individual Apartment Rent Increase loophole, and legislative solutions to address the undermining of affordable housing
