Resource Library

Since its founding in 1974, ANHD has provided commentary and analysis on the preservation and development of affordable housing in New York City, and more recently, its equitable economic development activities. This online Resource Library represents a comprehensive compilation of our published blogs, charts, maps, reports, testimony, and white papers, investigating trends in the community development space. We encourage you to use it for uncovering general information, data analysis and critique, and alternative policy solutions related to affordable housing and economic development.

All of our materials are sorted based on the issues, projects, special tags, types, and dates they are associated with, and you can use the dropdowns below to filter through the library based on these tags. Additionally, you can do a general search through our library, using the search bar the right. If you can’t find what you are looking for, email

E.g., 07/26/2024
E.g., 07/26/2024
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, many small businesses were facing displacement pressure from rising rents. And of course pandemic shutdowns caused a severe crisis for countless small businesses.
ANHD's 2022 Risk Chart Shows that Eviction Filings and Other Housing Threats are Concentrated in the Bronx and Communities of Color
The 421-a tax exemption, which has subsidized luxury housing development for decades, is currently...
Thank you to Committee Chair Pierina Sanchez and members of the Housing and Buildings Committee for the opportunity to testify on the housing-related proposals in the Mayor’s Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget.
A report showing that New York’s severe rent debt and eviction risk require immediate and long-term solutions.
Many of New York’s most vibrant businesses, especially in low-income communities and communities of color, rent their space, and are thus vulnerable to displacement when rents are raised.
Not only are communities of color getting infected with and dying from COVID-19 at a much higher rate than their white counterparts, but they are simultaneously facing eviction from their homes.
A Model for Equitable Development in New York City
