
Each year, ANHD publishes our Housing Risk Chart, “How is Affordable Housing Threatened in Your Neighborhood?”, showing affordable housing threats across New York City’s 59 Community Districts. We design it specifically to help our member groups and policy makers develop effective strategies for addressing the city’s affordable housing crisis.

The Project

ANHD developed and began publishing our annual Housing Risk Chart as a part of our data and analysis work to combat displacement and preserve affordable housing.

This comprehensive data visualization collects a variety of indicators of key threats to affordable housing in the city and illustrates issues and patterns that are specific to each community district, as well as the city as a whole. For example, we collect and display information on unemployment rates, evictions performed by marshals, and foreclosure notices for each unique community district.

The neighborhood-level statistics that are displayed in the Housing Risk Chart help community groups and policy makers see the diverse types of threats to affordable housing. In some neighborhoods, it’s speculation, tenant harassment, and evictions; in others, it’s expiring affordability agreements; and in many, it’s problems faced by small homeowners and their tenants. This compiled information is critical for stakeholders to develop effective strategies to address the affordable housing crisis.

ANHD publishes our Housing Risk Chart annually in the spring.

Related Resources

ANHD's 2024 Housing Risk Chart highlights and ranks 18 indicators of demographics and housing risk in each of New York City's 59 community districts to inform targeted, neighborhood-level action.
ANHD's 2023 Risk Chart Shows Displacement and Increasing Rents in Communities of Color
ANHD's 2022 Risk Chart Shows that Eviction Filings and Other Housing Threats are Concentrated in the Bronx and Communities of Color
ANHD’s 2021 Housing Risk Chart Shows BIPOC Neighborhoods in NYC Continue to Experience the Worst COVID Impacts and Greatest Housing Risks
ANHD’s 2020 Risk Chart Shows Pervasive Racial Inequality in Housing Risk and COVID-19 Impact
An annual city-wide analysis of key threats to affordable housing broken down by neighborhood
An annual city-wide analysis of key threats to affordable housing broken down by neighborhood
An annual city-wide analysis of key threats to affordable housing broken down by neighborhood
An annual city-wide analysis of key threats to affordable housing broken down by neighborhood
