Coalitions are organizations of organizations (i.e. an inter-organizational group) working together on a COMMON issue. Coalitions can be PERMANENT or TEMPORARY, should be democratically structured, and provide opportunities for coalition partners’ staff and their membership to take on leadership roles (e.g. through committees).
★ To build the power to do something your organization cannot do alone.
★ To maximize your effectiveness and ability to win by working with other groups on the same issue.
★ You want to work on an issue, but your organization doesn’t have enough resources to run the campaign on its own.
★ You want to build longer-term relationships with organizations you haven’t worked with as much in the past.
★ You want to work on the issue, but need “cover” and less visibility.
★ You need a broad and diverse base to win.
★ No one knows everything, but together we know a lot! Taking on complex issues sometimes requires multiple perspectives and problem solving approaches.
★ Build Momentum – Set Benchmarks and Celebrate Your Wins!
★ Create Opportunities for Staff and Member-Leaders to Grow Their Leadership
★ Create an Accountable and Deeply Collaborative Structure
★ Establish Operating Norms (e.g. through a working agreement)
★ Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up!
★ Have a Clearly Defined Decision-Making Process and Stick to It
★ Have a Clear Work Plan and Roles
★ Prioritize Relationship Building – People Need to Trust Each Other!
★ Really Understand Each Organization’s Self-Interest – What Do They Care About?
★ Run Accessible and Productive Meetings (e.g. effective facilitation, community agreements, inclusive language, etc.)