Chris Walters
Senior Land Use Policy Associate


212-747-1117, ext. 25

Chris Walters (he/him) is ANHD's Land Use Policy Coordinator. He works with ANHD members and allies to further land use and planning policies and actions that advance equity in NYC, both at the neighborhood and citywide level. Chris received his Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from Hunter College. A resident of Greenpoint, he likes to spend his free time active in the neighborhood or going on “subway adventures” with his two young sons.

Chris Walters' News and Content

January 9, 2019
Members of the Housing Dignity Coalition (HDC) turned out at the Staten Island Community Board 1 hearing last night to express their concerns over the proposed Bay Street rezoning that is now making its way through the 7-month public review process, or ULURP.
December 10, 2018
Residents already have the solution: enact their community-created plan to ensure long-term protections for the neighborhood
