Emily Goldstein
Director of Organizing and Advocacy



212-747-1117, ext. 14

Emily Goldstein (she/her) is ANHD's Director of Organizing and Advocacy. She oversees ANHD’s campaigns, working with staff, members and allies to win impactful policy reforms while building power across the community development movement. Emily is a lifelong New Yorker and has been organizing for almost 20 years, primarily around tenants’ rights, affordable housing, and land use issues.

Emily Goldstein's News and Content

June 16, 2016
A landlords' attorney's advice at a Brooklyn real estate summit earlier this month made a small splash in the press. The information materials by attorney Michelle Maratto Itkowitz -- entitled Demolition Evictions: A Real Possibility and Tenant Buyouts for the Next Generation -- are almost refreshing for their candor.
May 11, 2016
Landlord Steve Croman made headlines this week when the Attorney General filed a suit against him for tenant harassment, alongside criminal charges. Croman is an example of "harassment as a business model" taken to its extreme, but the truth is that many landlords resort to harassment for the same reason he did - because once existing tenants are pushed out of their apartments, landlords can renovate, deregulate, and dramatically increase their profits.
