E.g., 03/06/2025
E.g., 03/06/2025

The ANHD Blog raises the profile of our issues, and educates our member groups, city decision makers, and the general public on our core issue areas. The ANHD Blog offers sharp, timely and effective commentary on key public policy issues, as well as our work and the work of our member groups.

All of our blogs are sorted based on the issues, projects, special tags, and dates they are associated with, and you can use the dropdowns below to filter through our blogs based on these tags. Additionally, you can do a general search through our blog, using the search bar the right. If you can’t find what you are looking for, email comms@anhd.org.


The ANHD Blog raises the profile of our issues, and educates our member groups, city decision makers, and the general public on our core issue areas. The ANHD Blog offers sharp, timely and effective commentary on key public policy issues, as well as our work and the work of our member groups.

All of our blogs are sorted based on the issues, projects, special tags, and dates they are associated with, and you can use the dropdowns below to filter through our blogs based on these tags. Additionally, you can do a general search through our blog, using the search bar the right. If you can’t find what you are looking for, email comms@anhd.org.

January 28, 2015
Tuesday, the New York City Council’s Committee on Housing and Buildings hosted an eight hour oversight hearing, Short Term Rentals – Stimulating the Economy or Destabilizing Neighborhoods? ANHD and Affordable Housing advocates across the City came together to say the answer is clear: illegal short-term hotels are destabilizing neighborhoods and endangering our affordable housing!
January 28, 2015
Thursday, January 29th, the New York City Council Housing Committee will hold an oversight hearing on the 421a Developer’s Tax Break. This program gives developers billions of taxpayer dollars to create largely luxury developments across the city. Meanwhile, thousands of affordable rent regulated apartments are being lost, leading to displacement and gentrification of low- and mixed-income neighborhoods.
January 20, 2015
The de Blasio Administration has announced its intentions to rezone 15 neighborhoods over the next several years. These rezonings are essential to the Administration’s efforts to meet its goal of developing 80,000 new units of affordable housing over 10 years (out of the 200,000 total unit plan) and will shape the future of many of our communities.
January 15, 2015
After a successful community-led campaign, then two years of delays and legal challenges, the Responsible Banking Act (RBA) is now in effect!  Yesterday, January 13th, was the first official meeting of the Community Investment Advisory Board (CIAB). 
January 15, 2015
On Tuesday, the Furman Center released its report Housing, Neighborhoods, and Opportunity: the Location of New York City’s Subsidized Affordable Housing.  The report is an incredibly rich documentation of exactly where, and in what types of neighborhoods, affordable housing exists.
December 11, 2014
There are three primary mechanisms for financing the building affordable housing in New York City. Each of these mechanisms creates either a financial benefit or financial relief in exchange for the developer creating affordable housing units.
December 11, 2014
December 5, 2014
With the recent 2nd anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, a new ANHD white paper examines how local NYC neighborhood groups responded to the storm, and the lessons that this holds for policy makers and practitioners working to implement true “social resiliency.”
December 5, 2014
New York City used to be full of vacant land owned by the city – over 100,000 lots by some counts in the 1970s. The reason was simple – private owners simply didn’t think the land was valuable enough to pay taxes on, so the city took it over.
