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What do the HUD Cuts in the Trump Budget Mean for Communities?

February 16, 2018

Earlier this week, Trump proposed a federal budget that would devastate low- and moderate-income communities across the country, including in New York State. Trump’s proposals for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) include both budget cuts and rule changes that would increase housing cost burdens on many of the poorest New Yorkers, while continuing disinvestment in public housing, reducing Section 8 voucher availability, and eviscerating basic Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) functions like code enforcement.

Earlier this week, Trump proposed a federal budget that would devastate low- and moderate-income communities across the country, including in New York State. Trump’s proposals for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) include both budget cuts and rule changes that would increase housing cost burdens on many of the poorest New Yorkers, while continuing disinvestment in public housing, reducing Section 8 voucher availability, and eviscerating basic Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) functions like code enforcement.

Here is a breakdown of what these changes to the HUD budget mean for our communities.

Data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities & New York Housing Conference

Stay tuned for our in-depth analysis of what the HUD Cuts mean for New York City.

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