Testimony for the NYC Charter Revision Commission 3/17/25

Thank you Chair and Commissioners for the opportunity to submit testimony before this Charter Revision Commission. We are submitting this testimony on behalf of The Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development (ANHD). ANHD is a membership organization of NYC neighborhood-based housing and economic development groups, including CDCs, affordable housing developers, supportive housing providers, community organizers, and economic development advocates and service providers.

Testimony of the Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development Before the Rent Guidelines Board Regarding 2024-2025 Rent Guidelines

Testimony Before the New York City Council Committee on Housing and Buildings Regarding the 2023 Housing Vacancy Survey and Continuation of the New York City Rent Stabilization Law

Testimony Before the New York State Senate Finance Committee and Assembly Committee on Ways and Means Regarding Priorities for the New York State Executive Budget for Housing, Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Testimony Before Senate Standing Committee on Banks on Why Signature Bank Failed and what can be done to prevent future bank failures in New York

Testimony before the New York City Council Committee on General Welfare Regarding the Universal Access to Legal Services Law

Testimony Before the New York State Senate Finance Committee and Assembly Committee on Ways and Means Regarding Priorities for the New York State Executive Budget for Housing, Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Testimony of ANHD, JustFix, and BetaNYC before the New York City Office of Civil Justice Regarding the Right to Counsel for Tenants Facing Eviction

Testimony Before the New York City Council Housing and Buildings Committee Regarding Code Enforcement

Effective code enforcement is fundamental to ensuring safe, stable and affordable housing for all New Yorkers. Unfortunately, the City’s code enforcement laws and processes often fall short. Far too many tenants live in unsafe conditions, with landlords who neglect their buildings, refuse to make repairs, deny essential services including heat and hot water, and allow health issues like mold and pests to run rampant.

Testimony Of Lucy Block Before New York State Homes and Community Renewal Regarding Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act Regulations