Responsible Banking


Banks are key community financial institutions, with an obligation under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to lend and provide services equitably, and to reinvest in the areas where they do business. Too often, however, banks do not act as responsibly as they should, and underserve or even harm low- and moderate-income New Yorkers, people of color, immigrants, and other marginalized populations.

Why This Matters

Banks matter to people and communities; people need a place to do their banking, and community groups need financing to support their missions to build affordable housing, increase access to jobs, and more. Responsible banking ensures that these financial institutions are being held accountable to our neighborhoods, offering New Yorkers access to banking and credit, including small business loans or loans to buy an affordable home. It also ensures that tenants are not at-risk of harassment, fueled by speculative loans.

What We're Doing

ANHD is holding banks accountable to the New York City communities they serve to ensure just and equitable banking through policy research, coalition building, and organizing and advocacy.

Recognizing that the CRA only works if the community gets involved, we provide original research, including our annual “State of Bank Reinvestment in NYC” report, and regularly submit comments on CRA exams, as well as advocate for banks to have forward-looking CRA plans at the time of mergers.

We are tackling the “predatory equity” crisis by using sophisticated building finance and market research to identify the most-at risk buildings, and working with our network of organizing groups to proactively outreach to banks and ensure their lending practices are sound. We are also advocating for banks to adopt principles of responsible multifamily lending to ensure that their lending does not fuel displacement.

Check out the associated projects below for more information on how we are fighting for responsible banking.

Recent Blogs and Media

May 24, 2017
There has been a growing drumbeat of public criticism of tenant harassment in buildings with mortgage loans from Signature Bank, culminating last month in a tenant picket in front of Signature Banks’s Annual Investors Conference. Tenants have been telling the bank and the media that the harassment they are experiencing is both severe and intentional and that the bank should be aware of the damage their lending is enabling.
April 20, 2017
This morning, tenants from 10 community organizations and their allies, including Senator Brad Hoylman, Senator Gustavo Rivera, and a representative from Public Advocate Leticia James’s office filled the sidewalk with a picket line outside of Signature Bank’s annual shareholders meeting in Manhattan. At the rally, the tenants and elected officials tried to hand-deliver a letter to the board of directors to demand responsible lending practices to protect their rights and health, and preserve our stock of affordable rent-regulated housing.

Related Resources

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