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Press Conference: End the 421a Tax Break

January 28, 2015

Thursday, January 29th, the New York City Council Housing Committee will hold an oversight hearing on the 421a Developer’s Tax Break. This program gives developers billions of taxpayer dollars to create largely luxury developments across the city. Meanwhile, thousands of affordable rent regulated apartments are being lost, leading to displacement and gentrification of low- and mixed-income neighborhoods.


421a press conference @ City Hall - 1-29-15

End the 421a Developer’s Tax Break  – Press Conference & City Council Hearing – January 29th at 9 AM  at City Hall Steps

ANHD Research – 421a maps

Thursday, January 29th, the New York City Council Housing Committee will hold an oversight hearing on the 421a Developer’s Tax Break. This program gives developers billions of taxpayer dollars to create largely luxury developments across the city. Meanwhile, thousands of affordable rent regulated apartments are being lost, leading to displacement and gentrification of low- and mixed-income neighborhoods.

Please join ANHD and housing advocates for a press conference on the City Hall steps at 9am, followed by the hearing with City Council at 10am, to demand an end to the 421a Developer’s Tax Break, and a prioritization of the needs of New Yorkers over the interests of real estate developers. Tenants and organizers will testify to the harm the 421a Developer’s Tax Break is doing to our communities.

Where: Gather on the steps of City Hall 

When: Thursday, January 29th at 9:00 AM 

Email emily.g@anhd.org to RSVP for the event or if you have any questions.


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