Emily Goldstein
Director of Organizing and Advocacy



212-747-1117, ext. 14

Emily Goldstein (she/her) is ANHD's Director of Organizing and Advocacy. She oversees ANHD’s campaigns, working with staff, members and allies to win impactful policy reforms while building power across the community development movement. Emily is a lifelong New Yorker and has been organizing for almost 20 years, primarily around tenants’ rights, affordable housing, and land use issues.

Emily Goldstein's News and Content

July 10, 2024
English and Spanish educational materials explaining the City of Yes - Zoning for Housing Opportunity, set to pass in City Council this fall.
April 1, 2024
ANHD urges Albany to not undermine the transformative Tenant Protection Act of 2019 and reject the Local Regulated Housing Restoration Adjustment legislation (S6352/A6772) being pushed by CHIP, RSA, REBNY, and others in the real estate lobby.
