Chris Walters
Senior Land Use Policy Associate


212-747-1117, ext. 25

Chris Walters (he/him) is ANHD's Land Use Policy Coordinator. He works with ANHD members and allies to further land use and planning policies and actions that advance equity in NYC, both at the neighborhood and citywide level. Chris received his Master’s Degree in Urban Planning from Hunter College. A resident of Greenpoint, he likes to spend his free time active in the neighborhood or going on “subway adventures” with his two young sons.

Chris Walters' News and Content

July 10, 2024
English and Spanish educational materials explaining the City of Yes - Zoning for Housing Opportunity, set to pass in City Council this fall.
June 15, 2022
Mayor Eric Adams' Housing Our Neighbors
We are thrilled that after years of ANHD-led advocacy, the Adams Administration has finally moved New York City away from the problematic affordable housing unit count goals of past housing plans. That metric led to a focus on so-called affordable housing solutions that simply chased after numbers instead of prioritizing the needs of struggling New Yorkers. Instead, we should be focusing on the outcomes our communities need – outcomes like ending homelessness, preventing displacement, eliminating rent burdens, and ensuring safe, healthy housing for all. In order to accomplish those goals, we need to look holistically at the full housing landscape in NYC, and we applaud the Administration for incorporating the full spectrum of housing, from homelessness to NYCHA to tenant protections to homeownership in the Housing Our Neighbors blueprint.
